Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The Cult of Celebrity

Who do these PEOPLE think they are?
They think they are what we, the pulsating maggots of the masses have made them, demi-Gods, living their debauched, libertine lives off the fat of the land to our detriment and at our expense who are foolish enough to give up our hard earned dollars to support their excessive lifestyles, their extravagant living, drug and alcohol addictions and of course their ridiculous spending sprees.
Their moral poverty and depravity can be matched by no other in human history, well maybe the aristocrats of 19th century Europe, or the Fascists of Italy.
They preach and suggest.
They donate and adopt.
They commit and contribute.
They live and let die, at large.
Their moral poverty makes the worlds poverty pale to insignificance.
Their hypocrisy, their shallowness, their complete disregard and lack of care, concern and love for their fellow humans, their neighbours, their brothers!
Let's make their MORAL poverty history!


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